Camp Family Info
Welcome To The Summer of 2022!
Thank you for choosing Extreme STEAM Science Kids at Park Shore! We can’t wait to see you! We know you may have questions before arriving at Park Shore this summer, so we’ve gathered information to help answer some of those. You can always contact us with questions or concerns at 631-499-8580 or email us.

Curriculum Themes & Session Overview
Welcome to the Extreme STEAM Science Kids Camp Summer of 2022! We are so excited to be back at our beautiful Science home away from home! We are kicking off our summer with four fantastic blocks of curriculum which will immerse our Science campers in their passion for Robotics, Engineering, Coding, Life, Physical and Earth Science, Art and so much more!
Each two-week block will incorporate lessons and projects which tie directly into the overall theme and will engage every child in the appreciation of science and how science will relate to them in the future! We believe that teaching the 21st-century skills of Critical Thinking, Collaborative Teamwork, Creativity, and Adaptability will add to our Science camper’s future success in a rapidly changing world.
We will be sharing updates from our instructors with you throughout the summer and posting pictures of the children in full STEAM-Action on the Park Shore Photo Gallery, so be sure to check it out!
Thank you for sharing your Young Scientists with us – we are thrilled to have them as part of this spectacular program and look forward to watching them learn, grow, create, build, imagine and collaborate while having an amazing time!
Block One (6/27-7/8): Experimental Engineering
Within these two weeks, our campers will focus on engineering experiments to solve the problems of the world around them. Campers will participate in this active learning environment in which they will generate, collect and analyze data, and observations. While implementing and learning the components of a valid experiment, they will have the opportunity to evaluate their results to see if they match scientific theory. Campers will earn the title of ESSK scientist in training as they meet the requirements of the scientific research methods.
Examples of activities:
- Introduce and care for seedlings in our hydroponic grow lab
- Identify the parts of the plant
- Research and observe growth patterns, optimal growing environment for different plants
- Represent results of growth with graphs and visual models
- Brainstorm, draft, design, and build an irrigation system for our yard garden, plant nursery, and various raised gardens on the grounds.
- Engineer containers with proper drainage, water cycling, soil nutrient retention
- Devise and create a composting bin to use in our planting
- Experimenting with natural additives to the soil, such as eggshells, coffee grounds, and compost
Block Two (7/11-7/22): Heroic Horticulture
Within this block, our continuing campers will build upon the skills gained in the previous units to help integrate and induct new students into ESSK scientists in training. In this block, campers will learn the importance of responsible agriculture, arboriculture, floriculture, and horticulture. Campers will collect, cultivate, build habitats, and study decomposers on campus. Campers will learn about insects and small animals that provide natural pest control. They will learn about agronomics in the exploration of the cost and Carbon footprint of transporting fruits and vegetables. We will then plan, advertise and execute a pretend farmers market for parents and camp staff. Campers will gain an appreciation for their natural environment, and enthusiasm for cultivating and consuming healthy foods which are locally grown and cultivated. Campers will also be introduced to experts in horticulture fields.
Examples of activities:
- Engineering bee houses with harvested bamboo
- Observing mantises and release into our garden
- Locating environments on campus ideal for mushroom, lichen, and moss growth, while students learn the value of decomposed organic material.
- Cultivating kale garden, observing the damage done by cabbage white larvae
- Raising, observing, and releasing ladybugs into our kale garden to observe the impact on cabbage white larvae.
- Creating safe havens and temporary habitats for pill bugs, worms
- Cultivating a butterfly garden, finding eggs and larvae, journaling life-cycle
- Releasing ladybugs in our gardens
- Building bat boxes, research, and investigation of the importance of bats in our ecosystem
- Interview bat expert
- Nature hikes and scavenger hunts
Block Three (7/25-8/5): Green Guardians
In Block 3 campers will experiment and model the greenhouse effect while observing the benefit and harm of rapidly changing temperatures in different environments. Campers will be encouraged to invent apparatuses to help plants, humans and other animals adapt to a rapidly changing climate. Sparking on this innovation will instill a drive for divergent and critical thinking in coping with the realities of changing landscapes. Students will practice and explore new methods for vertical farming, shade-cropping, artificial lighting, water filtration, and best practices for optimizing farmland. Campers will learn and mimic how robots are being used to help manufacturers decrease waste and manage energy use. Campers will learn the importance of water conservation while collecting rainwater to use in our yard gardens and nurseries.
Examples of activities:
- The investigation, cultivation of succulents and shade-loving plants
- Propagation of plants from cuttings
- Engineering water filtration systems with mini gardens and various substrate
- Modeling aquifers and well drilling for drinking water
- Upcycling projects
- Vertical, hanging, and teepee gardens
- Engineering rain collection, irrigation system
- Creating seed mats and seed bombs
- Investigation of invasive plants and insects on campus.
- Cultivation and study of native and beneficial plants
- Recognize and collect data on patterns of nature for purposes of designing generative, and perennial gardens and soil
- Create mini terrariums in which effectiveness in the color of containers are compared
- Building windmills and waterwheels that use mechanical energy
Block Four (8/8-8/19): Freaky Flora and Fauna
In Block 4 campers will delve into folklore surrounding mythical creatures. We will explore animals that really existed in Earth’s history that seem made up. While exploring the scientific origin of pretend creatures such as mermaids, unicorns, and dragons, we will learn about the animals and their characteristics that were mistaken for these fantasies. We will examine evidence in the fossil record to see which animals and plants may have existed that had strange adaptations. Campers will practice critical evaluation of various media to help differentiate between scientific evidence and legend. During this unit, students will showcase their understanding in the creation of their mythical creaturte cardboard boats which they will race across our pool in our 9th annual Regatta!
Examples of activities:
- Exploration of mermaid sightings in history and comparison to actual manatees
- Exploration of dinosaurs and comparison to fossil findings
- Conjecture on what outside of dinosaurs actually looked like, since soft tissue is rarely preserved
- Cultivation of fly traps and other carnivorous plants
- Creation of boats for the regatta in the shape of mythical invented or real creature of choice
- Research, QR code creation, video making, and blogging of animals in the cave.
Camp Dates
June 27 – August 19, 2022
Park Shore will be closed on Monday, July 4th in observance of the July 4th holiday.
Camp Hours
Regular Camp Hours: 8:45am – 3:30pm
Before Care begins at 7:45am
After Care ends at 5:30pm
Should you require additional information, our office is open Monday-Friday, 7am-5pm and throughout the summer Monday through Friday between 7:30am and 5:30pm to assist you. Our answering machine is activated between 5:30pm and 7:30am should you need to leave a message.
In compliance with the Department of Health, the forms below are mandatory and essential for the well-being and safety of your child. These forms MUST be completed and signed prior to the first day of camp. If Park Shore does not have the completed and signed forms, we will not be able to permit your child to start camp until they are signed and received. According to NYS Department of Health Regulations and the Suffolk County Department of Health, all campers attending day and resident camps must have on file a recently completed Health form with important contact information, documentation of physical exam (within the past 12 months), a documented vaccination record and written verification from your health care provider that your child may attend and participate in all camp activities or a statement of activity restrictions, if pertinent. We ask that you supply us with a completed Health Form which includes contact information, your physician’s signature, stamp, and evidence of physical exam. We appreciate your immediate attention to this matter and look forward to an amazing fun-filled summer. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please call our office at (631) 499-8580.
Pre-Camp Health Screening Form
Health Forms
2022 Health Form, Physical Exam, Immunization Schedule Forms*
Self-Medication Consent Form (For Travel Only)
Sunscreen, Hand Sanitizer & Insect Repellent
How to Submit Forms
- FAX: 631-499-6917
- Email:
- Drop Off
The PARK SHORE NUTRITIOUS and DELICIOUS HOT LUNCH MENU is prepared professionally with loving care while keeping our campers’ nutritional interests in mind. Lunch is always a fun time at Park Shore. Your child’s counselors will always be with their campers making lunchtime comfortable and enjoyable. Music every day at the Food Emporium makes lunch at Park Shore more than just a time to eat. Our Special Events team is always creating something fun and exciting to enhance our lunch experience as well.
Park Shore is pleased to offer Gluten Free lunch options for our campers with medical gluten issues. Park Shore is a Peanut Sensitive camp. Please contact our office if your child has any special medical dietary needs.
Your child is encouraged to eat the entrée of the day, however, in the event, he/she needs a substitute, the following sandwiches are available:
- Turkey • Tuna • American Cheese • Bologna • Salami • Bagel with Butter or Cream Cheese
Desserts will vary throughout the week and will include:
- Seasonal Fresh Fruit • Apples • Oranges • Pears • Jello
Park Shore is pleased to serve water and/or juice boxes upon request during all lunch periods.
We make every effort to create an enjoyable experience during lunchtime and want your child to be comfortable while eating. Please call the camp if you need additional assistance.
If your child brings his/her lunch to camp, please pack it in a brown paper bag clearly marked with your child’s name and camp group. The lunch will be placed in our walk-in refrigerator until lunchtime. A beverage will be served at lunch. Our superior hot lunch is available at $295 for the entire summer, $230 for six weeks, or $150 for four weeks. If you have not yet done so, a telephone call to our office is all that is necessary to ensure hot lunch for your child.
After the first two to three days of Camp, the times of pick-up and take-home will become regular. Early dismissals will be held during the first week and on rainy days. Buses will leave approximately 15 minutes early on these days. Please call if you have any additional questions.
Health & Safety
In order to make sure we exercise every precaution to safeguard your child’s health, safety, and welfare, Park Shore is inspected by the Suffolk County Health Department. These inspections take place before our session begins and during the operation of our Day Camp. We follow all the regulations set by both the New York State and Suffolk County Health Departments, as well as the standards set by the American Camp Association (ACA). Our Campers are closely watched for any signs of illness by their group leaders and are assisted by our Registered Nurses. Our Health Office Staff is in constant attendance and can be found in Park Shore’s modern Health Care Center.
In order to keep our campers healthy, we ask for your cooperation in keeping home any child with a cold or other symptoms of illness. Your child’s medical form(s) must be completed by your physician and returned to camp. This is a Suffolk County Health Department regulation. Your cooperation in returning the medical form(s) in a timely manner is both appreciated and a requirement. We recommend that you make an appointment with your child’s physician now so that returning your child’s medical form(s) won’t be delayed.
Confidential Information
Please fill out your child’s Camper Profile Sheet carefully and thoroughly. In order for us to fully understand your child and to help make his/her adjustment to camp easier, this profile will be shared with your child’s Director. Please return this form with your child’s medical form.
Tuition Refund Plan
Please refer to the current refund plan.
Daily Photo Gallery
We look forward to another wonderful summer taking pictures of your children. These pictures will be posted on our website on a daily basis. We hope you enjoy getting a glimpse into your child’s experiences at Park Shore. To ensure the safety and security of all our campers, our Photo Gallery is only available to registered Park Shore families. In order to gain access to the Park Shore Photo Gallery, you must register at the Park Shore website and indicate whether you are a camp family, a school family or both. Your approval should come within 24 hours of registering.
Our Park Shore Environment
We appreciate your help in keeping Park Shore a “SMOKE-FREE” environment. Thank you for not smoking when at camp.
Due to our safety protocols, our traditional parent visitation and late nights are temporarily suspended until further notice.
We respectfully request that parents cooperate with us and refrain from visiting Camp during the first week. Please call the office ahead of time if you would like to visit your child. Each group will have visitation either during the day or evening as detailed later on during the summer. We definitely want all parents to meet the group counselors and to observe their child’s group in action. By following a carefully planned routine, we are able to accomplish this goal without disrupting the overall Camp Program and without disrupting the adjustment of your child’s group.
- If you wish to take your child home early, your child will be waiting at the Director’s Office at the time you indicated. Please make every attempt to pick up your child before 3:15 p.m. to avoid being delayed by our regular dismissal.
- If you wish any other person to take your child home. Driver’s License or other photo ID is required.
Junior & Senior Division Late Nights
Due to our safety protocols, our traditional parent visitation and late nights are temporarily suspended until further notice.
Campers will not go home on the camp bus on the day of their Late Night as they will be preparing for the evening’s activities. Parents are cordially invited to join their children and our staff at 5:45pm. Parents will be able to observe their child’s swim progress, as well as their child’s Late Night Activity/Skit. Parents of our Sports Track campers will be able to watch their child play a game on our Dream Field. Everyone will enjoy our famous Late Night Dinner and the evening’s activities will end with dessert. Time will be available for parents to meet their child’s counselors. The Senior Division Late Nights will take place during the 6th week of camp and the Junior Division Late Nights will take place during the 7th week of camp. Definite dates and times will be sent home during camp. All July campers and parents are cordially invited to join us during this event. You will be notified as to when your child’s Late Night will take place.
If your child celebrates a birthday during our camp season, please call the camp office for information regarding party arrangements. We will, however, have one big Park Shore BIRTHDAY BONANZA in July and one in August celebrating all of our Park Shore campers’ birthdays. For the parent who would like to celebrate their child’s birthday during their lunch period, The Grill is available for such an occasion. Please call in advance to reserve your spot.
Swimming Pools
In the operation of our pools, the very highest standards of hygiene are consistently maintained. Our filtration plant is an integral part of our pool equipment and is tended by a Certified Pool Operator who makes constant tests of the water each day.
All three of our pools are heated, which adds to our campers’ swimming enjoyment. We use the Red Cross Swim Program taught by Red Cross trained and qualified Swim Instructors. Campers are placed into swim groups according to their swimming ability and age. They will be able to progress to their highest potential and receive either Park Shore or Red Cross swimming certificates.
Those Junior and Senior campers who are deemed ready are given a DEEP WATER TEST and those who pass are given a GREEN DEEP WATER BRACELET. This bracelet alerts all counselors and lifeguards that this camper is certified and allowed to swim in our deep water pool. This test is given on a weekly basis. YELLOW BRACELETS are given to our Junior and Senior campers who have the ability to swim in the deepwater section of our main pool. They are NOT allowed to swim in the Deep Water Pool.
We encourage all campers to wear their bracelet for the duration of the camp season. If for any reason the bracelet is lost or removed, a new bracelet will be given to that camper. We emphasize safety while having fun in the Park Shore swimming pools.
Park Shore will provide professionally cleaned terry cloth towels during each swim.
For those parents who want sunscreen applied at camp, please send sunscreen labeled with your child’s name along with a note giving permission and instructions as to what you want to be done. The first coat of sunscreen should be applied at home before your child(ren) come(s) to camp.
Camp Clothing
Each camper will receive one (1) Camp T-shirt. T-shirts for our SUPER SENIORS, EXPLORERS & SUPER TEENS will be handed out at the beginning of camp or when their session starts.
Clothing & Equipment
Your child(ren) should bring two (2) bathing suits to camp every day. Other clothing items are not necessary. Baseball gloves should also be marked with your child’s name. Park Shore will exercise every care in safeguarding the clothing your child has in camp, but we cannot be responsible for the loss of any personal property. Do not send very expensive and valuable items to camp.
Rainy Days
On rainy days, please dress your child in a raincoat, hat, and shoes appropriate for the rain, all clearly marked with their name. Our campers will participate in our rainy day schedule of activities that will take them to all of our indoor facilities. When we know it will rain for the entire day, our Senior campers will leave the grounds and go bowling or to the movies. Please DO NOT send your child with spending money to buy snacks or play video games when they leave Park Shore as they will not have time to participate in these activities.
Cell Phones
Cell Phones are NOT allowed at camp because they create a distraction while campers are busy at an activity. All calls can be made from the main office. Parents who need to contact their child can call our office or Travel Directors when necessary. Parents of travel campers will be given the cell phone number of their child’s Travel Director. See specific travel information for more details.
Park Shore is no place for socially cruel behaviors. The physical and emotional safety of our campers has always been and continues to be, our number one concern and priority. For this reason, bullying of any kind will not be tolerated. Parents will always be informed to assist in eradicating this behavior, if this negative behavior cannot be stopped our tolerance policy will be enforced and the camper who is doing the bullying will be asked to leave camp.
Super Senior Travel Guidelines & Rules
Park Shore’s Travel Program Rules are designed to ensure a supportive, welcoming environment for each camper. Our program aims to operate on the principles of honesty, compassion, respect for others, personal responsibility, and safety. Travel campers, and staff alike, are encouraged to lead by example to ensure a wonderful camp experience for all.
Each summer we create an amazing experience for our Super Seniors filled with excitement and fun every day. They will be on the Park Shore facility three days each week and will travel to local destinations two days each week. We have specific rules and regulations from our Super Senior Director, Travel Staff, Restaurant Personnel, Amusement Park Security, and Bus Drivers when we are traveling off the Park Shore facility to ensure the safety and welfare of everyone on our trips while providing for their overall comfort and enjoyment. Please read the following list with your child so they understand the importance of what is expected from them when at Park Shore.
General Behavior
Our Super Senior campers are going to have a great time this summer and make many new friends. We encourage an atmosphere of respect, trust, and consideration in relationships with fellow Super Seniors and Travel Staff. Friendliness, openness, and politeness are qualities that will make for a great summer. We encourage our Super Seniors to be flexible and have a positive attitude. A negative attitude, rudeness, impatience, lateness, and profanity are behaviors that will not be tolerated. Campers should not be picked up from a location other than camp unless the camp has been notified beforehand.
General Participation
The Super Senior Program is filled with exciting activities which will keep everyone busy. Super Seniors are required to participate in all scheduled activities unless medically approved.
Electronic Devices
We recommend that electronic devices not be brought to camp. Cell phones are NOT ALLOWED at camp or on trips. If campers need to call their parents, they can use their Director’s cell phone. Parents will have the Director’s cell phone number if they need to contact their child while on a trip. Electronic devices create distractions and can possibly be lost or damaged. Park Shore will NOT be responsible for any lost or damaged electronic device brought to camp.
Appropriate dress is required. We ask our Super Seniors to wear sneakers every day except when we have a trip which involves water such as a water park, beach, or canoeing. Super Seniors are required to wear their travel T-shirt when leaving Park Shore grounds. IT IS OUR INTENTION TO HAVE A GREAT TIME WITH EVERY SUPER SENIOR AND CREATE A SUMMER FILLED WITH EXCITING MEMORIES AND NEW FRIENDSHIPS. We appreciate your cooperation with following these guidelines and know that each traveler will have a summer filled with exciting trips and lasting memories. Each summer we become a family and treat each other with respect. Any medical, dietary, or social concerns should be shared with the Super Senior Director. It is important for us to know if your child has any special needs which will impact them during their time with us. Please feel free to contact us at any time if you have any questions or concerns.
Explorer & SuperTeen Travel Guidelines & Rules
Park Shore’s Travel Program Rules are designed to ensure a supportive, welcoming environment for each camper. Our program aims to operate on the principles of honesty, compassion, respect for others, personal responsibility, and safety. Travel campers, and staff alike, are encouraged to lead by example to ensure a wonderful camp experience for all. The Park Shore Explorer and Superteen Travel Programs are designed to provide your child with the safest, healthiest, and most enjoyable summer experience available anywhere. Our unparalleled record for providing this unique experience depends upon several factors: First is Park Shore’s research and pre-visits to numerous destination sites, our mature and experienced staff, and the requirement that all campers strictly follow the rules and procedures designed for their safety. Parents and campers must agree to follow program rules. Registration in this program signifies the agreement to these conditions of registration.
- Appropriate behavior is expected at all times. Cooperation is expected on our bus trips as well as our destination sites. Any financial damage to the hotels is the responsibility of the individual’s parents. Shaving cream and silly string are prohibited and parents are asked to check their child’s suitcase for any inappropriate materials before coming to camp.
- Handheld games/individual music players may be used on bus trips when announcements are not being made. However, we are not responsible for any loss or damage. These items should not be used during an activity and should be kept out of sight.
- Cell phones are NOT allowed at camp or on most of the trips. Campers may bring cell phones on all overnight trips. They can only use them as instructed by their Director and staff. Parents will be given their Director’s cell phone number in case they need to contact him/her or their child.
- Appropriate dress is required. We ask our Explorers and Superteens to wear sneakers every day except when we have a trip that involves water such as a water park, beach, or canoeing. If time permits before or after a trip, we play sports on the campgrounds. Campers will be given travel shirts. It is very important that they wear these shirts when indicated in our weekly newsletter. Please do not alter the travel T-shirts in any way.
- When our bus returns from a late trip or overnight, we ask parents to park in our parking lot and pick up their child in the Food Emporium. Please allow us to unload the bus and we will escort the campers from the bus to the Food Emporium. At that time, campers will be dismissed. All parents must sign out their child at dismissal.
- If your child is being picked up early or at dismissal, please provide a note or call the camp office first thing in the morning. Any afternoon social plans should be prearranged before camp. Also, campers should not be picked up from a location other than camp unless the camp has been notified beforehand.
- Any medical, dietary, or social concerns should be shared with your child’s Director. It is important for us to know if your child has any special needs which will impact them during their time with us.
- Drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and E-Cigarettes
- Weapons of any type
- Physical violence
- Harassment, rude, or offensive language
- Travel without a camper buddy
- Theft, shoplifting, or destruction of property
- Departure from an assigned activity, location, or room without permission
- Taking, posting or forwarding of any inappropriate pictures
Park Shore Country Day Camp reserves the right to search camper’s personal belongings at any time. Campers who break any of these rules will be liable for any of the following consequences to be determined solely at the discretion of Park Shore Country Day Camp.
- The camper will be permanently removed for the remainder of the summer program.
- The camper will be returned home at the parent’s expense.
- The camper will be suspended from camp for the duration of the following trip.
It is further understood that in no case will any refund of tuition be made. It is understood that our campers will bring personal items to camp and on our trips but that Park Shore will not be responsible for any loss or damage to these belongings.
Please discuss these rules with your child and the importance of following them. Once they understand our rules and procedures, please sign the card and all waivers and return them to Park Shore. Good choices will create fond memories that will last a lifetime. We appreciate your cooperation with following these guidelines and know that each traveler will have a summer filled with exciting trips and lasting memories. Each summer we become a family and treat each other with respect. Please feel free to contact us at any time if you have any questions or concerns.

Visit Us
450 Deer Park Road
Dix Hills, NY 11746
Tour Hours
M-F: 10am - 3pm
S-S: 11am - 2pm (February - June)