
Health Office

Caring for our campers and staff

Marylin Byron

Health Office Director

Park Shore employs a Health Care Director/Health Care Manager, Marilyn Byron, who coordinates all health care functions pertinent to camp. Park Shore has established Health Care Policies and Procedures. Our entire Park Shore staff is dedicated to promoting health and wellness every summer with anticipated happiness and excitement for a safe summer. The Health Office Staff reviews each health record of campers & staff and works together daily regarding health concerns and treatments to ensure the health and wellness of all. The Park Shore key staff also receives training in Advanced First Aid while the entire staff receives First Aid & Responding to Emergency Workshop – all prior to the first day of camp.  Park Shore maintains two AEDs on campus.  Travel groups and all groups that go off campus maintain an AED, Epinephrine, and First Aid supplies. As always, parent/guardian communication is paramount and daily calls are made when the health staff feels it is needed.

Marilyn Byron has been the Health Care Director of Park Shore since 2013 and a member of the Health Office since 2005. During the school year, Marilyn is employed by the Half Hollow Hills School District.  In addition, she has been an active responder, Advanced Medical Technician with the Dix Hills Fire Department for 20 years.  Marilyn spends much of her time training community sports clubs, camps, businesses, temples, churches, and many more, in life-saving classes of CPR, AED, Epinephrine Administration, First Aid, Bloodborne Pathogens, and Responding to Emergencies.  Marilyn continues to ensure the safety of our camp by annually training Park Shore key staff is in CPR & AED and the administration of epinephrine.

Visit Us

450 Deer Park Road

Dix Hills, NY 11746

Tour Hours

M-F: 10am - 3pm

S-S: 11am - 2pm (February - June)

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Park Shore Perks